Wednesday, August 24, 2005

In the midst of an election campaign

So, here we are with approximately four weeks to go, and I have learned (if there was ever any doubt) that the story about the left-wing media are just nonsense. The media (or meeja, as some call them) are solidly behind the National party, and would like to see it in coalition with the lowest bidder on tax rates. I can only assume that being a "talking head" on radio or television here is very well paid indeed! Of course, they all see things from their own point of view. They have a shedload of money. They want tax cuts. So, they preach voting National/ACT. That annoys me greatly. There have been two televised debates (that I know of). The commentators on TV and radio, even on commercial radio, are all agreed that things happened a certain way on the debates, and those who didn't see them (the majority perhaps?) will just accept that everything is the way their favourite radio personality says it did.

Meanwhile, I am negotiating about dinner. What a laborious process!

Today's recommended books. Non-fiction = A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson.
Fiction = The Accuser by Lindsey Davis.


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