Monday, October 10, 2005


Well, here we are, where are we? It's three weeks after the election, and Winnie is promising to hold things up again, by bringing an electoral petition against Bob (I love my testicles) Clarkson. Ain't that just great? (Said in a John Travolta voice.)
There has been a horrible earthquake in Pakistan, and the great Pat Robertson has expressed himself of the opinion that it is a Sign of the End Times. Personally, I don't think so. Earthquakes, check, wars and rumours of wars, check. But even so, only God knows the hour or the day... and we mustn't let ourselves fall into the trap of thinking we don't have to care about the world and its parlous state, because it's all going to come to an end any minute.

Today's recommended books: Hex and the City by Simon R Green
Wolf in Shadow by David Gemmell